Last weekend we had another show and Willa placed 2nd in the hack, and got two 1sts, and a 3rd over fences as well as GRAND CHAMPION! Shes so great!! Willa has also been wonderful in her lessons! :) We qualified for another show at Palermo this weekend (where we have the chance to win a saddle) but the Hunter Jumper team isn't going. :(
This weekend we will be preparing for GARDEN STATE HORSESHOW!! I'm so excited for it! I've always heard about it since I was little but never knew I would actually go one day!! I think we're doing 2'9 division maybe thursday and friday.
Willa and I are leaving New Jersey on Friday May 14th for Florida! I'm so excited to see her all summer instead of just once a week like last summer.
Willa is WONDERFUL! I love her!